Wednesday, 29 January 2014

HD Brows - Your questions answered......

Hey Guys, hope you're all well. I was listening to the radio the other morning and the presenters were taking the mickey out of some girls eyebrows and when they draw them on, they then went on to discuss HD brows and what they were exactly and nobody knew. A listener then text in saying they were 'Heavily tinted brows to make them strong and bold looking'........wrong. So i thought id share with you exactly what HD's are and what it involves =) 

HD brows are High Definition brows. They are a certain shape and done in a very specific way. It is the 7 steps to the perfect eyebrows. 

Here is the process:

1. Your therapist will have a brief consultation to have a look at your brows and explain the process. Please remember that 20% will go into the shape on first go, 60% will achieve it in a few treatments and 20% will never achieve the shape. 

2. Depending on how experienced/confident your therapist is he/she may draw a guideline shape to follow, the more experienced therapist will not need to do this as they can look at someone and see the shape instantly. 

3. They will tint your brows - Yes they will go outside your natural hair line to catch any little hairs above or below (especially if you have thinner eyebrows)

4. They will remove the tint and wax below your brows

5. The will measure your brows with thread to ensure they are equal

6. Next they will pluck out any stray hairs or hairs outside the line they don't want. They will also brush and trim any hairs to create a smooth line. 

7. They will thread above the eyebrow to ensure a clean line above and to blend any little fluffy hairs with the forehead. 

8. They will get you to look at the brows and check you are happy, then ask you to hold the mirror as they apply the HD powder from the pallet to suit your colour, they will fill in one of your brows and explain how to do it yourself as they do it. They may get you to do the second one or they may do both for you. 

The treatment takes around 45 minutes, the more regularly you go the quicker the treatment becomes as they will be able to follow the previous shape instead of having to create a new one every time. 

Despite belief HD brows aren't all about having thick dark eyebrows, yes the tint is darker but it fades a lot in 24 hours. A good therapist should look at your hair and colouring and decide what shade tint to go to suit you. The HD's are about very groomed eyebrows to enhance the natural shape not about dark slugs plonked on your forehead. 

If you have very thin eyebrows you may struggle to get the shape. We recommend you go every 4-6 weeks for them doing. Some of our clients have HD then book a normal tint and wax (waxed still in the HD shape) then book for HD again. Alternating can save money but i would recommend you go to the same therapist who did your HD's. 

You need a special HD tint test 24 hours prior to your first appointment. It's a stronger tint so you need a patch test to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction, you only do this once as the salon will keep on record that you've had the test. Be aware if you change salons you should be asked to do a test every time you go to a new salon. If you walk into a new salon and say you've had it done elsewhere and they do the treatment with no record of a tint test they have poor practice. 

I recommend you get the HD pallett after your treatment. They come in three different colours. Bombshell (blondes) Foxy (brunette) Vamp (dark to black) It is a powder to fill your brows in, they are completely smudge proof so especially like me with oily skin you wont find your brows half way above or below your face in the middle of the day. The kit is £20. My boss has had her pallet for 2 years and still going strong - beats any pencil. This powder transfers heavily so use as little as possible on a brush for the more natural look. 

Cost of treatment in the North of the UK ranges from £25-£35. This may vary depending on where you live. It seems expensive but you're paying for the labour. Where else will someone spend 45 minutes measuring, tinting, waxing plucking and threading your brows to get them perfect. 

Brows really shape your face and done correctly can look absolutely amazing. 

I hope this clears a few queries for you about HDs and that maybe you'll think about getting them in the future. If you have anymore questions leave them in the comments below and i shall get back to you ASAP. 

 Love Lizzie xx

**Please note these pictures are not mine. They are from google images and credit goes to the person who uploaded them.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Current Perfume Favourites - Jan 2014

Aloha Lovelies, 

Like any other girly girl I love my perfumes. To find the perfect fragrance is a tough job but once you find your loves you hold on to them. I'm not a snob when it comes to perfume i like high end and cheaper ones, i also like to wear very different scents i'm not a person who sticks to one scent i.e. all musky, all sweet etc. So here are my current fragrances that are on my dresser at the moment
Here's a brief over view of how my perfume is set out on my dresser.

 Miss Dior: I love this perfume, i have the pink one. I'm on my very last squirts but i can't bring myself to get rid of it. The bottle is so beautiful. I think i shall keep the bottle once im done and use it as decoration. The fragrance is light and slightly sweet.

 Victoria Beckham: Intimately Beckham: I am LOVING this fragrance at the moment and my go to day fragrance. It's great value for money and smells alot more expensive than it is. The bottles are good sizes too. I always get comments when i'm wearing this. The smell is slightly musky slightly sweet, but one i think everyone will like. 

 Clarins: Eau Des Jardins: (pronounced - oh de jar-dan) I first smelt this at work and love it. Its a very fresh summer fragrance. It's great value at £30.00 for 100ml. Keep a look at at christmas and throughout the year for the kits they bring out. They contain the full sized fragrance, shower gel and body lotion all for £30.00. You can squirt as much as you like for that price. 

Marc Jacobs: Lola: I was given this as a gift from my boyfriends mum as she didn't like the scent. It's a heavier scent so i tend to wear it on a night out, more musky. You only need a small amount. The only downside is the bottle. It looks great but the lid makes it quite hard to store is you don't have a large amount of room. 

Britney Spears: Fantasy: Another one of my great value scents. A perfect day time fragrance. It's light and fresh. Britney's other scents are very pleasant too. The perfume shop do some great gift sets in this too. 

Next: Live,Laugh,Love: My greatest bargain of them all. This is only £10.00 YES £10.00. Next do some amazing fragrances, their PINK scent especially is lovely. This is sickly sweet so some of you may not like it but i love it. My weird admittance with this is that it's my 'bedtime scent' I have a phobia of things smelling including me, my apartment, my car and anything around me. So yes i wear perfume to bed, weird i know. But with this being so cheap i use it as my excuse. 

Narciso Rodriguez: For Her: I smelt this on a family member and fell in love and honestly if i'd have smelt it from the bottle first i wouldn't touch it. It's a very strong scent so you literally need one or two squirts. A very heavy, musky scent. It's definitely a personal choice to wear this one. Don't judge it on first sniff. Spray a little and let it settle for a good minute then re-smell it and it totally transforms into a different smell. I love this. I only wear it on a night out, i got this from my boyfriend for christmas in a kit with a mini to put in my purse. They also have two pink versions which are very similar but nice too. 

What are your favourite scents for me to try?

Love to you all

Lizzie xxx

Saturday, 25 January 2014

SkinCare Mythbusters - True or False

Hey Lovelies, I got chatting to a client about advanced skin care today at work and it dawned on me that actually magazines, TV programmes and other marketing all print stuff about beauty and skincare that we instantly take for gospel, even GPs don't know true skin care - so here are my top myth busters of skin care, some or all of them you may already know but if not here are some real truths about skin and how to look after it.

You don't need to wear an SPF in the winter?

FALSE: No matter where you live in the world you should wear a minimum of Sun Protection Factor (spf) 30 in the summer months and a minimum of 15 in the winter months. Even if its bouncing down with rain or dull and cloudy UV rays still penetrate the atmosphere and still cause skin damage. The worst time to not wear an SPF is when it snows as the white snow reflects sunlight even more, causing the rays to bounce from the floor up to your skin back up to the sky causing even more damaging effects on the skin. Whether it's in your make up, moisturiser or a topical spf put it on EVERY DAY! You'll be thankful for that extra time in the morning when your a pensioner and have the skin of a 40 year old. Sun damage is the biggest cause of premature aging within the skin. So what's the best anti aging cream you can buy? An SPF!!

I have oily skin I can't moisturise?

FALSE: I made this mistake for many years. I have such oily skin, and I'm not talking I have to blot once a day oily, I'm talking within an hour/two hours I have to practically re-apply my whole make up. That is until I changed my skin care. The worst thing to do is deprive your oily skin of moisture you just have to make sure it's the right kind. Your skin is lacking water not oil. If you put water and oil into a bowl they separate and the oil floats on top. Same for your skin if you have excess oil it pushes the natural water away. Look for HYDRATING moisturisers and go for lotions rather than creams or an oily formula as these are light weight. Hydrating means water based rather than oil based. Give it time....I'd say anything from 2 weeks to a month. Use the product sparingly and I guarantee you'll see a difference. Don't get me wrong I'm still oily but it takes a lot longer for it to show through make up, my skin is in better condition and my make up goes on better.

There's a reason to have a separate day and night cream?

TRUE: No this isn't a marketing ploy from skin care companies to get you to buy more, there is a genuine reason for separate day and night creams. In the day we need a product that is going to protect us from pollution and the elements, provide spf, maybe be an antioxidant and provide moisture. In simple terms you need a product that is going to be active and fighting, but when we sleep our skin heals itself, provides new cells, new collagen and works within calm waves. You need a night cream that is going to aid healing and work gently within the skins natural rhythm at night.

If my skins dehydrated I need to drink more water?

TRUE AND FALSE: So this phrase gets said to me every single day and I repeat myself every single day. So yes if you drink water your skin will become more hydrated BUT what people don't understand is exactly how much water you have to drink for this to happen. When you drink water all your vital organs take it first, yes it will reach the skin but by the time it reaches the surface of the skin there's not much water left, therefore you wont notice a massive difference on the surface of your skin. To combat dehydration you need good hydrating products such as moisturisers or masks and a combination of drinking water too. To see a difference in skin you need a consistent 2-3 litres a day of the clear stuff.

Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise are the most importantly things in skincare?

FALSE: It has been drilled into us for years to cleanse, tone, moisturise and so people do this religiously without thinking about what they are doing. Yes cleanse to get rid of any make up, pollution and oil from the skin to create a clean surface. Yes tone as this gets rid of any trace of cleanser and allows better penetration of products. Yes moisturise as this keeps the skin feeling soft......What are you missing??? TWO key steps to a routine, which without these there's almost no point in toning and moisturising. They are Exfoliating and Serums.
Once you have cleansed your skin use an exfoliator to gently buff away dead skin cells and excess product revealing healthy skin underneath. Dry skins with no exfoliation have a build up of dead skin meaning when you moisturise you're actually moisturising dead old skin instead of the healthy skin underneath. A bit of a waste of product. When a client with dry skin asks me to change their moisturiser as its not working I always ask them to either start or up their exfoliation first, 9 times out of 10 that's the solution. Oily skins create a glue on the surface of the skin trapping dead skin, old oil and make up onto the skins surface this makes the skin look dull along with the risk of creating blemishes and blackheads. No matter what your skin type exfoliate once to twice a week NO MORE! Any more and you sensitize the skin. Do it at opposite ends of the week like Thursday and Sunday for perfectly fresh, clean and healthy skin.
Next use a Serum. Moisturisers only target the top layers of skin while serums work on the lower layers of the skin. They do this by being a smaller molecular size (the size of the ingredients are smaller so they can penetrate through the skin layers better) Our skin renews every 4 weeks (28 days), so what's at the top of your skin was at the bottom 4 weeks earlier. If we target the bottom layers we treat how it rises, so we want anti aging, healthier collagen, more elasticity, more hydration. Treat the skin before it comes to the surface.

I hope you learnt a little something or you finally understand why you are told to do certain things. I have much more information like this if you want to know more. Or if you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below and I shall answer them in my next Mythbusters blog.

Enjoy having amazing, healthy skin

Night night

Lizzie =)

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mindfullness - Quotes, thoughts and calming techniques.......

Hey Lovelies, 

I'm going to be doing something a little bit different today. My blog is mainly centered around beauty, fashion, skin care and home decor which i love and i'm passionate about all these topics but when it comes down to the bottom of it all these things are well....superficial! 
Painting make-up on can't paint a smile on your face. 
Having heels will increase your height but can't make you walk any taller
Having a beautifully set out room doesn't mean everything in your life is laid out to plan. 

And i want all of you to know that everything i said above is OK, it's OK to not be happy all the time, it's OK to have insecure days, it's OK to not know where you're going in life. 

What's not OK is for people to be forced into depression, it's not OK for people to put you down and it's not OK for people to make you feel worthless. 

For many years i have suffered with anxiety and i have it under control now and i want to pass on some advice to all you guys out there to help you, even if it only brings a smile. Being in the blogging world we see day in and day out beautiful people posting pictures, perfect blogs and it's not unnatural to want these things, but we women seem to all have self esteem issues that mean we doubt ourselves or constantly compare ourselves to others. To make it worse when we compare we drive ourselves crazy looking at other girls/boys blogs wishing we had what they had, instead of taking a step back to look at the bigger picture which is "yes they are beautiful, yes their blog is perfect, yes their pictures are amazing" but remember SO ARE YOU! 

You'd be amazed the number of people reading your blogs thinking the same thing about you. It's good every now and again to think "ooo i really like that i'd like to recreate that" because this is growth but when we constantly obsess about how good we are or how bad we are we're on a road to nowhere. 

This quote is very true. Wonder why all the top CEO's are all cocky, arrogant people??? Because they believe in themselves. Being arrogant isn't a pleasant trait to have but having inner confidence speaks volume. You can walk into a room of strangers not say a word and know instantly who's the confident people of the group. It's also attractive when people are confident - you'll find you'll attract a lot more friends, work opportunities and potential partners by having some self confidence. If you believe you can't do something you never will, if you believe you'll give it your best shot and you'll hopefully succeed you're more likely to do it and do it well =)

Like above even the smallest things in life....if you believe you can you will =)

I saw this on a coaster last week and fell in love with it. I recently have had some big changes in my opinion of which direction I want my life to go and it may turn my whole world upside down but the fact of the matter is I have had these aspirations since I was a young girl and only recently did I realise only I can make them happen. But why shouldn't you make your dreams come true? Follow your heart and your gut instinct. If it all goes wrong at the end at least you can say you tried. My biggest fear is to get to 60/70 years old, look back on my life and think I never did anything with it, or I never chased my dreams. 

And last but not least! My favourite musical and my favourite quote ever. I want this tattooed on me. "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" Is just the most perfect words written in my opinion. To know that no matter how bad it gets, how many times you fail another day will come and you can try again, a fresh start to do whatever you wish to do. 

Things that help me:

- Keep a notebook (or somewhere to write things) when I either have really nice ideas or when I get anxious or panicky I write it down. It's like a release to write it down is to get it out of my head. 
- Stop and look at your surroundings - actually feel the wind on your face or the sun on your skin. Listen to the birds singing or the traffic going by, really take it all in. This is called being mindful. 
- if you're anxious look around you find something and tell yourself three facts about it. i.e. Tree: 1. it's really tall and brown, 2. The leaves are blowing gently in the wind, 3. The grass around the tree is long and soft. - It's impossible to truly think of things and remember what you were anxious about at the same time. It calms you down. 
- Exercise - not everybody's cup of tea but it relieves stress. 
- Try to get into a good sleeping habit, you'd be amazed what you can face after a good nights sleep. 

I hope this has given some of you some good ideas and a bit of hope. We live in such a negative world it doesn't hurt to spread some positivity.  Let me know if you would like to see more of these posts or of the techniques I have lots more that have helped me. 

Remember you're you and people like you for you!!

Love you all

Lizzie xxx

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Look of the day - Meet and greets

Hello my lovelies, 

Hope you've all had a fabulous weekend, i can't believe how quickly time off work goes and it's back to it tomorrow. Today was a day of meeting with family and going to see people. I wanted to be presentable but not too dressed up. 

 For my make up I used:

- Benefit Porefessional Primer
- Estee Lauder - Double wear foundation shade "Desert Rose"
- MAC ProLongwear Concealer shade "NW20"
- Urban Decay Naked Basic Pallet 
- MAC - Gel Liner in black 
- HD Brow Pallet in shade "Foxy"
- 2 true bronzer (shade doesnt have a name or number)
- MAC blush in shade "Melba"
- Rimmel stay matte powder in shade "004"
- Maybelline Falsies mascara in black
- MAC lipstick in "hot gossip"

It was very simple and didn't take long. I used the eyeshadow pallet to underline my bottom lashes. Used the bronzer to give slight contour and a nude lip to finish it off. Perfect for when you want to look complete and presentable without it being too time consuming or look to heavy. 

As you can see up close a very subtle eye look(although you cant see the dark in my crease very well in his photo) and also how i shape my brows and fill them in. 

Next is hair - i'd just taken a shower so my hair was fresh. I let it dry 80% naturally and applied a small amount of the Revlon Orofluido oil to the mid and ends of my hair as you can see from my photos it doesn't look greasy or weighed down. 

I blow dried my hair with my GHD AIR hairdryer with no nozzle until it was completely dry. As im useless at drying my hair with a brush i have to create the "blow dried" look with my straighteners. Its very simple i straighten my hair then ad a slight twist at the end. You can see how it came out. I love it, it's nice to wear yours hair straight but the twist just adds a bit of volume and movement so it's not completely flat. With a little hairspray it stays like this. A little touch of elegance. 

Next my outfit - It's still really cold here in the UK (but no snow thank god) so a warm but comfy attire was needed. I chose simple jeans from River Island, they're skinny but they're higher waist-ed not the low rise ones so you don't have the worry of hoicking them up every time you sit/bend down and there's no worry of them slipping down to show your underwear when you walk. 
I have a plain long tank top on under neath from Primark. And to say it was only like £3.00 it washes really well and i put them under everything (i buy a selection of colours)I then put this crop jumper over the top from Bank, it's not the thickest but i was warm enough. I like the buckles and the edginess it gives the outfit.
To finish off i wore my khaki wedges from New Look, comfy and stylist at the same time. 

If you have any requests on blogs you would like to see i.e. how to fill in your brows please let me know =)

Niget Niget
Lizzie x

Friday, 17 January 2014

Exciting Update =)

Hey Guys, 

Just an update on my life and some cool news. Two years ago when i started my own business i was asked by the Skin care company DermaQuest to go work for them down in London for the Professional Beauty trades show at ExCel. I loved every minute of it. The Sunday is for trade only and the monday is for students and open public. People like Katie Price aka Jordan were there along with others such as Amy Childs. I was on products and had great fun chatting to potential clients about the products and the company. The company specializes in skin peels and advanced skin care which i'm really passionate about - so to ask me to come and talk to people about it all weekend YES PLEASE =)

I was very honoured to be asked to return last year - the stand was even bigger with more products, new science and technology within their products, the weekend is always tiring but it's an absolute blast. 

You can imagine my excitement when i received a phone call on Wednesday asking me to return again this year. As there are thousands of beauticians in the industry for you to be chosen by a CEO to join a company and work for them is a massive compliment. So this February i'm going back down to the good ol Capitol London for the weekend. If any of you are going i hope to see you there, pop on over to the Youngblood and Dermaquest stand. I believe im on the Youngblood mineral make up stand this year - providing make overs and information on why mineral make up is the way forward. People like Kimberly Walsh use Youngblood. 

I can't wait to learn lots of new things on this weekend and look forward to sharing my experience and new information on skin care with you guys. 

If you have any questions you wish me to answer leave a comment below and i will. Here are a few photos from last year. 

I'll keep you updated =)

night loves

Lizzie xx

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Hair Care - For an Oily scalp and hair treatments

Hello lovelies,

Hope the start of the week has been good to you. I did my body skin care favourites, and here's my hair care. I have a really oily scalp so finding products to suit my hair can be difficult. Here's my favourites so far.

Shampoo and Conditioner:

I use two shampoos one everytime I wash my hair the other once maximum twice a week.

John Freida Sheer blonde highlight enhancing shampoo: I bought this when I was blonde and like the formula so I've carried on using it. I don't find it dries out my hair and it doesn't make it too oily either. I wash my hair every other day. I know they say that the less you wash your hair the less oily it gets. That isn't the case with me. I've tried it and I just end up looking like I really need a wash no matter how much dry shampoo I use. So every other day it is for me.

Kerastase Clarifique Shampoo: I ADORE this shampoo. A friend told me about Kerastase and I thought i'd give it a go and omg am I glad I did!! This is a clarifying shampoo specially for oily hair. I don't use it every wash as I found with other clarifying shampoos it can give me a dry scalp and personally id rather have oily hair than dandruff. It's perfect for clearing your scalp of any excess oil that has built up over the week, it's also perfect for if you've used a lot of product to really clear your hair of all product left in the hair. It's £16.00  bottle which isn't cheap but totally worth it. I'm looking into getting the conditioner.

Loreal Ever Pure conditioner: I love the smell of this, it's really minty and smells so fresh. it's a little too oily for my hair but i'm finishing the bottle anyway. I like that it has no sulphates so it's less damaging to my hair. They do a whole range on this and I would definitely recommend it to my friends to try it.

Herbal Essenses Beautiful Ends Hair Mask - I rarely use a hair mask with it being so oily, but at least twice I month I try to just to make sure it stays in tip top condition. This is lovely and at only £5.00 it's a good drug store mask. Smells beautiful and I definitely see a different and feel a difference in my hair after I've used it

Revlon Orofluido Oil - I have always been a little sceptical about oils especially with having an oily scalp but after trying this I am a total convert!! I only apply this to the mid-ends of my hair but what a difference it has made. My hair is so healthy. It is more of a medium weight oil so definately don't use it on your scalp unless you have really dry hair. I constantly get comments on how soft my hair is and how healthy it is. Definitely worth a purchase! This is a professional product so you'd have to go in a salon to buy it.

Batiste Dry Shampoo - An absolute essential for anyone!! I buy the one for brunette hair as it doesn't leave as much of a white mist on your hair. I use this on my second day hair as it will already start to look a but oily this just freshens it up for that day until I re-wash it.
My Tips for hair care:
1. Find a shampoo and conditioner that suits you.
2. Get your hair cut regularly - My biggest pet peeve is girls with really long hair who refuse to get it cut and it ends up looking like straggly rats ends. If you're growing your hair have it cut every twelve weeks, if your maintaining your hair have it cut every six weeks. Just ask for the dead ends taking off or in my words "what it needs and nothing more" This way it stays healthy and looks healthy.
3. If you have oily hair blow dry it, or at least blow dry the roots - mid length. If I let my hair dry naturally it gets oilier quickly when I blow dry it the cleanliness lasts longer.
4. Most people put a lot of emphasis on keeping the damaged ends moisturised which I agree you should, but how it is at the ends represents how you looked after it at the root. I never put oil on my roots but when I have conditioned I used a wide tooth comb to brush through my hair this conditions my hair without making it look oily. Try and keep your hair healthy the whole way down.
5. Try to wear your hair up without using any heat every now and again. Heat damages your hair so try to lay off it all the time.
6. I colour my hair all the time every 6-8 weeks to be exact. And I change the colour all the time I just get bored with it. So make sure if it's bleach you have that you're completely taking care of your hair and maybe go dark every once in a while to get some condition back in it.
Let me know your favourite hair care products and if you have any great tips too =)
Lizzie xxx

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Outfit Of The Day - Birthday Celebrations

Hey guys,

so I got my new laptop which i'm very excited about (I was sharing my boyfriends and my photos and music were on my dads laptop) so now I have my own, i'm just waiting to transfer my photos over then everything will be in one place. I can take photos on my camera and upload them straight away onto Blogger =)

So yesterday was my friends birthday celebrations. We went for a meal and for a few drinks afterwards. We had such a good time and I always laugh from start to finish with this group. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to show you my outfit of the day.

It was a smart casual look. I have dark blue skinny jeans, with black wedge boots. A black silk strappy top, teamed with a black blazer. I don't normally go all dark but I thought the outfit looks classic and elegant and was very comfortable.

I went with a gold theme for my accessories to lift the dark colours of my outfit. Again they were very simple but they were effective proving that you can wear a very simple outfit and it look on trend and elegant. Of course I had my beloved Michael Kors handbag with me. I bought this as a birthday treat to myself and I absolutely love it.

My hair was second day hair. I'd had it tied back in a bobble all day at work and then I took the bobble out my hair was lovely and wavy so I thought while I had the volume I would curl it. I used the babylis curling wand. Its a 1inch barrel. It was really quick as I didn't have much time to get ready. I randomly picked pieces of hair that were straighter and curled them. I tipped my head upside down and fluffed it and then volume spray and hairsprayed it.

For my make up I used the Naked three pallet to do a soft pink smokey eye. I applied MAC gel eyeliner thinly to my lash line ontop, used Maybeline Falsies mascara and lined my waterline with a LancĂ´me khol eyeliner. My skin was Estee Lauder double wear with MAC studio fix concealer, clarins bronxer to contour and MAC Melba blush. I used a Clarins lipstick and clarins gloss to finish off with a soft pink lip look. Eyebrows are filled in using the HD pallet Foxy.

All in all a very simple look that took around an hour and 20 from start to finish. Very comfortable, it looks dressy without being too much. I got a lot of comments saying how lovely I looked which is really nice and makes the effort worth it.

I hope you enjoyed this post and it gives you some inspiration for looks you can re-create at home. Here are a couple of photos from the evening. Hope you had a nice weekend too

Lizzie xxxx

Monday, 6 January 2014

Start of the New Year and Resolutions =)

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Evening all,

so we're a week into 2014 how are you all finding it?

So far my week has had both positives and negatives. Negative that i came down with a sickness bug (boooo) hence the lack of posts this week. I'm full of cold now but i feel absolutely fine and the positives were that i acomplished alot at work today which was really good and empowering.

I thought i'd share how i started the new year with you and some of my resolutions.

The Year started off with a couple of purchases. I am very excited to be an owner of the new Urban Decay Naked 3 pallet. I had great fun trying different looks out with it, i am doing a review on the pallet this week so keep an eye out for that =)
The next thing i wanted was the porefessional by Benefit as i had heard so much about it from other beauty gurus on YouTube. Debenhams had an offer on this kit which is the Porefessional primer, it's potent eye cream and that gal all for the price of the primer. Again i shall be doing a 'recent purchases' review on this very soon.
New years eve was spent at my house as we were hosting for the first time there was my family and my boyfriends mum and dad. It was very casual, beige food galore and lots of chit chat and laughter. Unfortunately it was such a good night that we totally forgot to take photos of ourselves and the evening so here are a random few from the night.
 The beige food.........(it's a british thing to put on a buffet of food that is beige in colour not the healthiest but it's good finger food people can get as much or as little as they want)
My Little nephew Thomas James (TJ) came too. He was a little star. He was only 4 months at the time but he was giggling away. He loves lights so when the fireworks started we thought he would cry but he loved sitting at the window watching them go off. In this picture my sister was changing him and my cat Nik Nak was by his side the whole time checking he was ok.
My boyfriends family are all cat lovers, his mum and dad have FOUR yes FOUR cats, two of them are brothers and they're devious little monsters. Unfortunately they went home to find the scene of a crime and the culprit very much enjoying it.


Although like so many others at the start of the year i vow to lose weight and further my career this year i wanted to concentrate on self esteem, motivation and self peace.

I for many years have struggled with inner peace which i will explain another time maybe. But the one thing i truly wanted was to take more time to work on me as the saying is very true 'You'll never be happy until you're happy with yourself'

So my goals are:

1. To take more time for myself
2. To get at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night (im a gal that needs alot of sleep)
3. To read more
4. To take up dance again as i miss it alot
5. To go to yoga once a week

Very simple steps, that i understand may get broken....if we're having an event at work and i get home late i wont get all the hours sleep i need, i may not have chance to go to yoga one week but they are all achievable and all end up towards the same goal.

I shall keep you updated on how i'm getting along and i shall be doing self motivation blogs along the way to keep you guys positive too.

To end my post here's a photo of me and my friends daughter it sums up how every day should be.....Filled with Smiles and Laughter =)

Niget Niget

Lizzie xx