Evening all,
so we're a week into 2014 how are you all finding it?
So far my week has had both positives and negatives. Negative that i came down with a sickness bug (boooo) hence the lack of posts this week. I'm full of cold now but i feel absolutely fine and the positives were that i acomplished alot at work today which was really good and empowering.
I thought i'd share how i started the new year with you and some of my resolutions.
The Year started off with a couple of purchases. I am very excited to be an owner of the new Urban Decay Naked 3 pallet. I had great fun trying different looks out with it, i am doing a review on the pallet this week so keep an eye out for that =)
The next thing i wanted was the porefessional by Benefit as i had heard so much about it from other beauty gurus on YouTube. Debenhams had an offer on this kit which is the Porefessional primer, it's potent eye cream and that gal all for the price of the primer. Again i shall be doing a 'recent purchases' review on this very soon.
New years eve was spent at my house as we were hosting for the first time there was my family and my boyfriends mum and dad. It was very casual, beige food galore and lots of chit chat and laughter. Unfortunately it was such a good night that we totally forgot to take photos of ourselves and the evening so here are a random few from the night.
My Little nephew Thomas James (TJ) came too. He was a little star. He was only 4 months at the time but he was giggling away. He loves lights so when the fireworks started we thought he would cry but he loved sitting at the window watching them go off. In this picture my sister was changing him and my cat Nik Nak was by his side the whole time checking he was ok.
Although like so many others at the start of the year i vow to lose weight and further my career this year i wanted to concentrate on self esteem, motivation and self peace.
I for many years have struggled with inner peace which i will explain another time maybe. But the one thing i truly wanted was to take more time to work on me as the saying is very true 'You'll never be happy until you're happy with yourself'
So my goals are:
1. To take more time for myself
2. To get at least 8-9 hours of sleep a night (im a gal that needs alot of sleep)
3. To read more
4. To take up dance again as i miss it alot
5. To go to yoga once a week
Very simple steps, that i understand may get broken....if we're having an event at work and i get home late i wont get all the hours sleep i need, i may not have chance to go to yoga one week but they are all achievable and all end up towards the same goal.
I shall keep you updated on how i'm getting along and i shall be doing self motivation blogs along the way to keep you guys positive too.
To end my post here's a photo of me and my friends daughter it sums up how every day should be.....Filled with Smiles and Laughter =)
Niget Niget
Lizzie xx
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