Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Mindfullness - Quotes, thoughts and calming techniques.......

Hey Lovelies, 

I'm going to be doing something a little bit different today. My blog is mainly centered around beauty, fashion, skin care and home decor which i love and i'm passionate about all these topics but when it comes down to the bottom of it all these things are well....superficial! 
Painting make-up on can't paint a smile on your face. 
Having heels will increase your height but can't make you walk any taller
Having a beautifully set out room doesn't mean everything in your life is laid out to plan. 

And i want all of you to know that everything i said above is OK, it's OK to not be happy all the time, it's OK to have insecure days, it's OK to not know where you're going in life. 

What's not OK is for people to be forced into depression, it's not OK for people to put you down and it's not OK for people to make you feel worthless. 

For many years i have suffered with anxiety and i have it under control now and i want to pass on some advice to all you guys out there to help you, even if it only brings a smile. Being in the blogging world we see day in and day out beautiful people posting pictures, perfect blogs and it's not unnatural to want these things, but we women seem to all have self esteem issues that mean we doubt ourselves or constantly compare ourselves to others. To make it worse when we compare we drive ourselves crazy looking at other girls/boys blogs wishing we had what they had, instead of taking a step back to look at the bigger picture which is "yes they are beautiful, yes their blog is perfect, yes their pictures are amazing" but remember SO ARE YOU! 

You'd be amazed the number of people reading your blogs thinking the same thing about you. It's good every now and again to think "ooo i really like that i'd like to recreate that" because this is growth but when we constantly obsess about how good we are or how bad we are we're on a road to nowhere. 

This quote is very true. Wonder why all the top CEO's are all cocky, arrogant people??? Because they believe in themselves. Being arrogant isn't a pleasant trait to have but having inner confidence speaks volume. You can walk into a room of strangers not say a word and know instantly who's the confident people of the group. It's also attractive when people are confident - you'll find you'll attract a lot more friends, work opportunities and potential partners by having some self confidence. If you believe you can't do something you never will, if you believe you'll give it your best shot and you'll hopefully succeed you're more likely to do it and do it well =)

Like above even the smallest things in life....if you believe you can you will =)

I saw this on a coaster last week and fell in love with it. I recently have had some big changes in my opinion of which direction I want my life to go and it may turn my whole world upside down but the fact of the matter is I have had these aspirations since I was a young girl and only recently did I realise only I can make them happen. But why shouldn't you make your dreams come true? Follow your heart and your gut instinct. If it all goes wrong at the end at least you can say you tried. My biggest fear is to get to 60/70 years old, look back on my life and think I never did anything with it, or I never chased my dreams. 

And last but not least! My favourite musical and my favourite quote ever. I want this tattooed on me. "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise" Is just the most perfect words written in my opinion. To know that no matter how bad it gets, how many times you fail another day will come and you can try again, a fresh start to do whatever you wish to do. 

Things that help me:

- Keep a notebook (or somewhere to write things) when I either have really nice ideas or when I get anxious or panicky I write it down. It's like a release to write it down is to get it out of my head. 
- Stop and look at your surroundings - actually feel the wind on your face or the sun on your skin. Listen to the birds singing or the traffic going by, really take it all in. This is called being mindful. 
- if you're anxious look around you find something and tell yourself three facts about it. i.e. Tree: 1. it's really tall and brown, 2. The leaves are blowing gently in the wind, 3. The grass around the tree is long and soft. - It's impossible to truly think of things and remember what you were anxious about at the same time. It calms you down. 
- Exercise - not everybody's cup of tea but it relieves stress. 
- Try to get into a good sleeping habit, you'd be amazed what you can face after a good nights sleep. 

I hope this has given some of you some good ideas and a bit of hope. We live in such a negative world it doesn't hurt to spread some positivity.  Let me know if you would like to see more of these posts or of the techniques I have lots more that have helped me. 

Remember you're you and people like you for you!!

Love you all

Lizzie xxx


  1. great post and a great blog xxxxx

    1. Thank you, i'm glad you're enjoying it.

      I shall swing by your blog and have a look.

      Follow me on bloglovin for future posts =)

      lizzie xx

  2. Hi dear, you have such a adorable blog and interesting post, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to do so and follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back, thank you. xoxo

  3. Hey Noor,

    aww thank you, it means alot.

    i shall check out your blog now =)

    lizzie xx
