Hey Lovelies,
So i'm bringing you part II of the Mythbusters series and today we're going to concentrate on body products and knowledge. So lets get going.....
If I exfoliate it will bring my false tan off?
TRUE & FALSE: When you have a false tan whether it be done at home or in a salon the best way to keep it looking nice it to maintain it. So yes unfortunately that does mean that after the tan is applied you're going to have to look after it. Your skin naturally sheds at different stages which means if you leave you tan to naturally come off you may find it goes patchy. If you regularly exfoliate - this doesn't have to be vigorous exfoliation just as long as you're getting the top layer of dead skin off, your skin will fall off more evenly keeping your tan more even for longer. Another way to hold onto your tan better is to moisturise regularly too. By doing these two things you actually keep the tan for longer.
I should shave/wax before putting on tan?
FALSE: You should always do any prep for a tan i.e. shaving at least 24 hours prior. When you shave or wax you open up the pores and the hair follicles, if you then apply tan you can run the risk of the tan getting into the pore/follicle and when these then close it traps the tan inside leaving lots of brown little dots on the skin. Not the desired look. Also waxing and shaving stimulate the skin, if you then apply a high chemical product such as tan you can cause allergic reactions within the skin.
My body isn't dry, i should still moisturise?
TRUE: Prevention is better than the cure, whether you are dry, oily or normal on your face or body you should always moisturise. The more you do it the better but at least aim for 3 times a week to try and keep the moisture levels high in your skin. The skin on our bodies goes through a lot such as hands in and out of water, feet in different shoes or no shoes at all, arms in and out of cold weather and warm clothing. Really make sure you concentrate on particularly dry areas such as knees, elbows, feet and hands.
I have cellulite there's no cure?
FALSE: There are different grades of cellulite from the odd bump here and there to a leg full of orange peel. Once it gets to a grade 4 it's hard to treat but there are some cures. Cellulite is fat cells that get trapped between sub-cutaneous skin cells (top surface skin cells) this then create the bumpy effect that we know of as 'cellulite'. The best way to get rid of cellulite is to detox, so increase your water intake to 2-3 litres a day and cut right back on all sugars, salt and high fat. If the cellulite is a low grade exercises can help. By toning the area you move the fat along. A great way is dry brushing the area and vigorously rubbing in special anti cellulite treatments into the area. The vigorous rubbing stimulates circulation and breaks down the fat deposits in the hope they'll be reabsorbed back into our system. You can completely get rid of cellulite but you have to work on diet, exercise and products.
I wash regularly but i still have spots on my back, this is normal?
TRUE: You can be the cleanest person on this earth and still get spots. If you get them on you back (known as bacne) it tends to be a hormonal reason. Just make sure you're rinsing your shampoo from your body correctly to not leave any traces on the skin. That after exercise or a hot day you're showering thoroughly - try using a back brush to really clean the area, and drink more water to try and flush the skin. All these put aside it's perfectly normal and you're not doing anything wrong. The sun can help clear up acne but please use the proper SPF, if it really bothers you go to your GP and see if they can provide you with any treatments.
I shall be doing some specific mythbusters soon, such as one for nails, sun care etc please let me know if you want me to cover a specific topic.
Much love
lizzie xxx
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