Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Happy New Year =)
Hey guys,
Just a quick post to wish you all a very happy new year =) 2013 has been a wonderful year for me and i'm very much looking forward to next year. I wish you all happiness and health, enjoy your plans for the evening. Don't forget to enjoy the smiles, share the tears and make every second count. If you have a resolution make it a good one and enjoy it coming to life.
lots of love
Lizzie and the Cats =) xxxx
Monday, 30 December 2013
Current favourite body products (Dec2013)
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Body products, love them or loathe them we all have bathroom cupboards stuffed full of scrubs, tans, mousturisers, cellulite busters, firming creams, softening, brightening lotions and potions, but do we ever truly use all of them?
Three years ago i looked in my cupboard and realised i had box upon box of body products from gifts or things i had bough myself. I made a vow to not buy a single product until i had used every single one up. I'm a very organised person so i hate to have baskets and storage filled with 20 shower gels, and 10 moisturisers. Here are my top tips for keeping things organised in your bathroom.
1. Have a good sort out, throw out anything that is half used, that you dont like or wont use. (or give them away if they can be salvaged)
2. Get one product out at a time and use that one up. i.e. Have one shower gel, one moisturiser, one scrub. You go through that one bottle alot quicker than using a little bit of lots of products. Its a good way to run down products.
3. Change with the seasons, i love fresh scents in the summer and heavier moisturisers in the winter. Go with your skin and what it feels like.
3 years on and my bathroom only has products i truly love in it. That being said let me show you my current skincare favourites.
This was a gift for my birthday and i LOVE IT! it comes out as a cream but it foams up so well, even after washing it off your skin feels silky smooth. I also like that a little goes a long way. The scent is beautiful and one which i think everybody will love, not too potent but once you've dried off you can still smell it on you. This is £7.00 for 100ml which i think is really good. A bonus is it's sold in boots which do an advantage points card, 3 for 2 on most things including no.7 and no.7 themseves are always doing £5.00 off vouchers meaning you could get this beautiful body wash for £2 whole pounds bargain!
Clarins Satin Smooth body lotion - I won this at work through a competition and i have to say this product is beautiful. It's rich enough for me (they have a rich version if you have chronically dry skin) i love this on my lower half, it does sit on your skin ever so slightly but i dont mind this feeling, i know it bothers other though. £24.00 for 200ml. With all Clarins products a beautiful scent.
This foot cream is a little sample size i got but i'm in love. It smells beautiful and it's not minty like most foot creams are it smells very similar to the satin smooth body cream. It sinks in really well too which i like. twice a week i love to PedEgg my feet, lather them in this foot cream put socks on and go to sleep. The warmth of the socks allows the moisturiser to sink in further giving you a better result and keeping those trotters nice and soft. I shall definately be purchasing to full size which is £22.00 for 100ml.
So that's my current body product favourites that i have been using for the past 3 months or so. I'm coming to the end of alot of them so i'm looking forward to trying new products. Please leave me comments of your favourite body products so i can try them too.
Happy Pampering
Lizzie x
Body products, love them or loathe them we all have bathroom cupboards stuffed full of scrubs, tans, mousturisers, cellulite busters, firming creams, softening, brightening lotions and potions, but do we ever truly use all of them?
Three years ago i looked in my cupboard and realised i had box upon box of body products from gifts or things i had bough myself. I made a vow to not buy a single product until i had used every single one up. I'm a very organised person so i hate to have baskets and storage filled with 20 shower gels, and 10 moisturisers. Here are my top tips for keeping things organised in your bathroom.
1. Have a good sort out, throw out anything that is half used, that you dont like or wont use. (or give them away if they can be salvaged)
2. Get one product out at a time and use that one up. i.e. Have one shower gel, one moisturiser, one scrub. You go through that one bottle alot quicker than using a little bit of lots of products. Its a good way to run down products.
3. Change with the seasons, i love fresh scents in the summer and heavier moisturisers in the winter. Go with your skin and what it feels like.
3 years on and my bathroom only has products i truly love in it. That being said let me show you my current skincare favourites.
We recently got a Victoria's Secret store in Leeds and Sheffield which i am LOVING and a total addict already. I have two of their shower gels. The top one is 'Aqua Kiss' This has a very fresh, light fragrance which i love as i feel so clean and light. My only problem with it is my skin feels tight when i get out the shower, i think it may be drying my skin out but i shall finish the bottle. I then got 'Midnight Exotics' for christmas. This is such a soothing scent and it's perfect before bed if you're like me and like a shower before bed. I've yet to try this so i dont know if this one tightens my skin too. They lather up really well and last ages on your sponge too. At £9.00 each they're no radox £1.00 bargain but for a little bit of luxury and the bottles look great too i'd highly recommend.
Like your face you should exfoliate your body once to twice a week, working those particular dry prone areas such as knees, elbows, legs. I bought this PINK Victoria's Secret wash and scrub on the 3 for £25.00 deal. I love the smell, i love it as a wash but as a scrub i havn't been all too impressed. It looks really grainy but the minute water hits it, it turns to nothing. I use this as my 'i need a top up scrub' product. If i want a vigorous scrub i use exfoliating mitts (0.89p a bargain and they;re great and quick if you're in a hurry) I have a new scrub which i am looking forward to trying once this has run out - i shall review when tried.
THEE most amazing self tan moisturiser and a drug store product too! I have tried many of the other brands that do a self tan moisturiser but non compare to this. I get the medium to dark formula and within one application i have clients at work telling me i look really healthy. A weeks worth of applying (even with exfoliating twice weekly) i look like ive had a spray tan. The colour coverage is fab. I'm lucky enough to have an olive base to my skin so this product doesn't go orange on me but paler skins may want to try the lighter version. its £5.49 for the bottle and superdrug sometimes does 2 for £5.00 - i use that to my advantage and stock up =)
So that's my current body product favourites that i have been using for the past 3 months or so. I'm coming to the end of alot of them so i'm looking forward to trying new products. Please leave me comments of your favourite body products so i can try them too.
Happy Pampering
Lizzie x
Hey Guys, seen as though you are going to be reading my blog i thought id give you a little insight into me:
Name: Lizzie
Age: 23
From: Wakefield, England, UK
Career: I am both a beautician and an aesthetician. Basically i trained as a beautician so i provide your normal beauty services like nails, waxing, massage etc but i also trained as an aesthetician in skin clinics. I specialise in skin peels and laser skin and hair treatments. I love my job and it's where my passion for beauty started. I share my skin knowledge every day with clients so i decided to share it all with you guys too.
Hobbies: I used to dance for an amateur theatre company until a year ago where work commitments got in the way, i miss it and i'm planning on going back. In my spare time now i enjoy checking out fashion and home decor.
Goal: To have a successful blog and to work for an aesthetic skin company in training.
Best beauty thing: I'm good with my peel and exfoliating routines and SPF i make sure i never leave the house with less than an spf 15.
Worst beauty thing: Tanning! i just can't be bothered with the whole smelling like a digestive biscuit and the maintainence afterwards, i tan only for special occasions like weddings, christenings, shows apart from that i use a body tinted moisturiser.
I look forward to getting to know you guys too. Please follow, and comment and i'll enjoy reading yours too
Love Lizzie xx
Friday, 20 December 2013
Photos - hectic christmas
Sorry i havn't posted in a few days things are chaotic here at the moment. I would recommend trying to hold down an eleven hour day job, plus redecorate your living room, plus decorate for christmas plus do christmas shopping, plus sort hospital appointments plus sorting the food for hosting new year. The list goes on safe to say i shall spend January doing sweet fa!
But apart from all the hastle i have finally got the photos for our new photo frames although thats another job to get them printed. We wanted a mixture of us and the cats here's a sneak peak of a photo i took and edited
I took this from the Rockerfella i love how the edit makes it look atmospheric! Looking forward to putting them up. I shall have more photos of the finished project after wards :)
Niget niget (night night) xoxo
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Christmas Decor
Christmas is always great fun but even more so now i have moved in with my boyfriend. We only live in an apartment so we cant have too many nik naks. So we were very subtle in our decorations.
We simply put up our xmas tree with lots of different shaby chic and vintage decorations mixed with mornal baubles. We then put up a garland over our canvas which we shall be putting special christmas cards on. Along with some new candles, and mini xmas tree for the kitchen we put some of the baubles in a vase we have in the living room. I love these decorations as they are subtle yet still christmassy. The only thing i dont know is what to put inside the vase once we have got rid of the xmas decorations. what do you guys think?
Monday, 9 December 2013
I can spend hours online on social sites such as Pinterest, instagram and youtube looking for fashion inspiration such as above. I love looking at different texture, colour and style combinations. I would say my style changes depending on the season, my mood and what's caught my eye at that certain time.
Although i'm not an expert on fashion (if you call styles by their proper names i wouldnt have a clue what you were on about) but i do know what items i like to wear and what i dont. I also know what i love on other people but i would either never get away with or i'm not daring enough to try it.
My loves for fall are:
Skinny Jeans or leggings with a jumper and a blazer
Dresses or skirts with tights and boots
I love my Gilets in winter
I shall be posting more pictures of my casual and my evening wear for this fall/winter and hope to share some inspiration to others.
Smelling Christmassy
Home Decor is another great love of mine, and like the fashion and make up i spend alot of time researching home decor and different styles.
I moved in with my boyfriend 3 weeks ago and i have the pleasure in re-decorating. Along with nice new walls and furnature came lots of new nik naks and my other obession........Candles!
Whether they're seasonal, just smell nice or gifts i love candles. I also have a weird obsession with worrying that our house smells. We have to indoor cats and there's nothing worse than walking into a home and knowing instantly that there is pets living there without having to clap eyes on an animal.
I recently purchased two new christmassy scents to get us in the mood over this season.
I moved in with my boyfriend 3 weeks ago and i have the pleasure in re-decorating. Along with nice new walls and furnature came lots of new nik naks and my other obession........Candles!
Whether they're seasonal, just smell nice or gifts i love candles. I also have a weird obsession with worrying that our house smells. We have to indoor cats and there's nothing worse than walking into a home and knowing instantly that there is pets living there without having to clap eyes on an animal.
I recently purchased two new christmassy scents to get us in the mood over this season.
Snow fall smells amazing! It smells really fresh and i can't wait to burn this in the house. Ho Ho Ho weirdly smells like mens aftershave. It reminds me of when you walk past a guy and get a whiff of his aftershave. My home will soon smell like this. Yummy!
I also bought Yankee Candle 'Season Of Peace' in the big jar which i am currently burning. Again this smells amazing. A very light clean fragrance, im not a lover of spice or cinnamon scents so i find it hard to find xmas scents that i like.
I shall take some photos of them burning as they add a great sense of cosyness to the house with the christmas tree lights on and a candle burning in the corner. A very welcome sight and smell home =)
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Beauty sleep

The past two weeks ive made it my priority to get some good sleep. I've started drinking flavoured tea so help soothe me, i stop caffinated drinks after 1pm. And i'm taking the time to relax and unwind. It must be working as my boyfriend got a phonecall from work at 1.30am last night and i didnt hear it ring/him answer or get out of bed to take the call.
We all need a minimum 8 hours of good sleep. Especially this hectic time of year. Find what works for you. Take a nice bath, soothing drinks, read a gentle book and enjoy the benefits of good sleep.
Night night xx 💤💙
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